Lower Back Injury – $140,000 Settlement

While carrying a heavy item up the stairs as part of his job duties, this worker suffered an injury to his lower back requiring extensive treatment. After filing a claim with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission, a lump sum settlement in the amount of $140,000 was negotiated for our injured client.

Most Common Workers’ Comp Claims

Last year in Chicago, Illinois and in cities all across the country, almost 3 million workers suffered nonfatal injuries according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some job titles are less likely to suffer a workplace injury, such as telephone support, while other jobs like construction worker are, for obvious reasons, more likely. Large employers usually try their best to educate workers to help avoid such on-the-job injuries as each claim made adversely affects their insurance rates and negatively influences production. But accidents still happen with regularity. Among the most commonly reported types of claims are:

Slips, trips and Falls: These claims often involve workers who slip on wet floors while at work. Such accidents may occur at food production pants where machinery is commonly washed down, in grocery stores when liquids get spilled, or on ice, snow, or tracked in water. Muscle strains, sprains, and bone breaks are common from accidents of this type.

Falls: When workers are using ladders, scaffolds, or working high up, there is always the potential for falls. The higher up, the greater the possibility of broken bones, traumatic brain injury, or death. Those jobs that are most at risk for injuries of this type include painters, window washers, roofers, and those in the construction trade.

Objects: This involves an object falling from above or a worker falling into an object. Someone who works in a warehouse, grocery store, or almost any retail or wholesale establishment may work with objects stored overhead. If for any reason the item falls on him/her, it may cause serious damage, including possible traumatic head injury. Those who work on new construction projects also are in danger of tools or construction material falling from above. Others may fall into stationary objects while on the job including police officers falling into barricades or warehouse workers striking machinery.

Machinery: Especially in factory settings where workers are performing tasks with heavy, dangerous machinery, the potential for workplace accidents is great. Even with the best of training, a worker may be injured due to the fast pace, defective products, or lack of adequate safety equipment. Whether dealing with factory machinery, small machines, or large machines such as dump trucks and cranes, injuries of this type are often severe and catastrophic. Accidents may result in loss of limbs, brain trauma or death.

Repetitive Stress: On a factory line, a worker may perform the same movement all day long and every day, inserting an object into a package or pulling a lever. In the office environment, a secretary may type for long stretches putting repeated stress on the wrist or elbows. In either event, this repetitive movement may create an injury over time (sometimes over the course of years) that manifests itself in a serious long-term problem requiring surgery. Common examples include tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Overexertion: An injury may also occur when a worker simply overexerts themselves by pulling, lifting, pushing or throwing something, thereby extending the muscle beyond its normal range of motion. Sometimes an injury of this sort will respond well to therapy and other times, it will require surgical intervention.

Since 1990, Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC has been helping the injured worker obtain maximum compensation. Call us at for free information.

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