Aug 29: Widespread Sexual Abuse in Juvenile Facilities Triggers Lawsuits Across Illinois
We Represent Clients in Sexual Abuse & Assault Lawsuits and Win Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC is currently representing victims of sexual abuse, sexual assault and molestation that occurred in juvenile detention and Illinois Youth Center facilities all around the state. Since 1990, our experienced legal team has been responsible for many millions of dollars in monetary recoveries for victims such as these and their families. Our attorneys work alongside some of the most well-known and well-respected attorneys in the nation. Just recently, a $4,000,000 settlement was secured relating to the childhood exploitation of one of our minor clients. If you were sexually abused or sexually exploited in a juvenile detention facility such as the Audy Home in Chicago, at another facility in Illinois or anywhere in the country), you may be entitled to significant financial compensation. Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC...