In the hit television show Better Call Saul, comedian Bob Odenkirk plays an unscrupulous attorney that straddles the line between petty criminal and brilliant attorney. In one episode, he describes his less than admirable past to a couple of hoodlums looking to make a quick buck. He tells the story of Slippin’ Jimmy, a young man living in Cicero, IL. Jimmy would take advantage of local shop owners during the winter months by deliberately slipping on their property – thereby making them liable for any damages. Of course, Better Call Saul is a work of fiction. But true life, honest slip-and-fall accidents are a reality for many people each year.
Just ask a couple of doctors working in Elgin.
A recent report by the Chicago Tribune confirms exactly what Slippin’ Jimmy knew all along. Dr. Steven Zahn, of Advocate Sherman Hospital stated, “When winter hits and it gets icy, there’s almost always an uptick in patients we see coming in with injuries from slip-and-fall accidents.” Most of these accidents involve people failing to maintain their balance, either because of ice build up or wind. His colleague Dr. Joshua Alpert echoes the sentiment, stating “When there hasn’t been snow in a while and people are used to the warmer weather, people tend to forget how to do things they have to do in this weather.”
So, what you can do to avoid your own slip and fall accident? Both doctors agree that wearing the appropriate footwear is the first step. Boots with a non-skid traction and lining are preferred. Dr. Alpert also recommends that “women should avoid high heels, choose function over form, and at least go with a flat-soled shoe.” Beyond that, it is a matter of watching your step and taking your time.
Should you end up on the ground and believe it is the result of another person’s unattended property, you may wish to speak with a Chicago personal injury attorney.
Call Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC today to get the facts about slip and fall accidents from the professionals. Call us today at .