Get the Help of Catastrophic Injury Lawyers in Chicago

The Most Serious Injuries

The Council for Disability Awareness estimates that 25% of today’s twenty-year-olds will become disabled before they retire. Some of these long-term disabilities and disfigurements will be the result of major accidents. This is why the help of catastrophic injury attorneys in Chicago becomes important.

Not every car collision, workplace accident, instance of medical malpractice, or birth complication results in a life-changing accident. Still, many people are injured through no fault of their own and end up with a long-term or permanent disability or disfigurement. To call this a frightening or overwhelming prospect is to put it mildly.

If you or a loved one has suffered such an accident, it’s important to speak with a knowledgeable catastrophic injury lawyer in Chicago without delay. You will need to recover full and fair compensation to cover your medical care expenses, lost earnings, pain and suffering, as well as the many other losses associated with such severe injuries.

More importantly, you need someone on your side. You need an ally to handle all worrisome legal concerns so that you can focus on one thing and one thing only – beginning to heal.

The Chicago catastrophic injury attorneys at Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC are compassionate, professional, and dedicated legal advocates. Among other awards, Mr. Sexner has been named in the National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Trial Lawyers. You can rest assured that we will fight for the compensation you deserve if you have suffered a debilitating injury. Call us today at  to discuss your case.

The Meaning of Catastrophic Injury

There are many different types of injuries that may occur due to an accident or act of professional negligence, but only certain ones are considered catastrophic. While there is no clear definition of the term in Illinois, it generally refers to those injuries that result in life-long disability or disfigurement.

For example, the loss of a limb due to a car accident would be considered a catastrophic injury. So would a birth injury due to medical malpractice that results in a long-term disability or an ongoing medical condition.

The undefined nature of the term is one reason consulting a catastrophic injury lawyer in Chicago is so valuable. You may not think your accident qualifies as sufficiently devastating. A qualified attorney may think the opposite. This may mean the difference between lifelong medical care debts and a large settlement in your favor.

In Illinois, the term is also used in the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act. Here it refers to when, and how, medical expenses are covered for public employees such as police officers and firefighters. Within the context of the Act, there is no clear definition of “catastrophic injury,” which has resulted in many legal battles over health coverage and personal injury claims.

The PSEBA has typically been upheld as referring to any injury that results in a line-of-duty disability pension for a public safety employee. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury you believe should be covered by the PSEBA, but have been refused coverage, then contact the Chicago catastrophic injury attorneys at Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC today to discuss your case.

Types of Life-Changing Injuries

Much like the confusion around the term itself, the types of catastrophic injuries are wide-ranging. Medical malpractice is one common cause. So are car accidents, birth injuries, and work-related accidents. It’s safe to say there is no common cause of catastrophic injuries and anyone can be affected.

Catastrophic Injuries Caused by Car Collisions

Serious car crashes can cause injury to any part of the body, and some types of collisions are more likely than others to result in death or severe, disabling injuries. These types of injuries include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury – The brain can be injured in a collision, either from the impact of the head hitting an object in the vehicle or from the brain being shaken severely within the skull.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries – Injuries to the spine suffered in car accidents can cause paralysis. Depending on the location of the injury, the victim could become paraplegic (loss of sensation and function in the pelvic region and legs) or tetraplegic (paralysis of all four limbs). Contact a catastrophic injury lawyer in Chicago to learn more.
  • Amputations and Loss of Limbs – Arms, legs, hands, fingers, feet, and toes can be amputated in serious collisions. In some cases, the limb may be severely crushed and require emergency surgical amputation.
  • Internal Injuries – The heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, or bowels can be torn or ruptured in a car crash. Ribs broken in the impact can puncture the lungs and other organs.
  • Severe Burns – Fires and explosions or contact with hot fluids or metal can cause serious burns to car accident victims. Severe burns are exceptionally painful, difficult to treat, and may require several surgeries in an attempt to restore burned skin.

Serious Injuries Caused by Medical Malpractice

Medical accidents that are the result of negligence can cause life-changing disabilities. The exact nature of the injury typically depends on the procedure being performed when the damage occurred. Regardless of the type of injury, it’s important to speak to a catastrophic injury attorney in Chicago as soon as you can.

Common examples of serious medical malpractice injury include:

  • Brain Damage – Typically caused by an accident during surgery, improper anesthesia, or blood clots due to doctor error.
  • Loss of Limb – While amputation may be necessary due to an injury or illness, medical care error can cause unnecessary amputation due to infection, surgical error, or blood clots. Personal injury lawyers are experienced with this type of case.
  • Spinal Injuries – Surgery on the spine and back often has some element of risk to it, but experienced surgeons can perform these procedures without incident. Negligent malpractice may however result in spinal damage that leads to long-term pain, disability, and even paralysis.

Catastrophic Birth Injuries

Due to the fragile nature of a newborn, birth injuries are all too likely to be dramatic and serious in nature. Long-term effects from an injury or negligent accident during birth can be hard to predict, but certain types of injuries are likely to be very serious. These include:

  • Umbilical Cord Injuries – Issues with umbilical cords during childbirth are not uncommon and can usually be successfully handled by medical professionals. When negligence occurs however, otherwise avoidable injuries can occur resulting in brain damage or physical disability.
  • Birth Asphyxia – Loss of oxygen during birth often leads to disabilities and brain damage, which can have long-term effects.
  • Limb Injuries – Injuries to a newborn’s arms and legs may result in life-long disabilities or physical difficulties.

If your child has been injured during birth, consult an experienced team of Chicago catastrophic injury lawyers. They will be able to review your situation and advise you of the next steps to take.

Injuries at the Workplace

Construction sites and other workplaces can be quite dangerous, with the potential for life-changing injury all around. While workers’ compensation may cover some of these injuries, instances of gross negligence complicate the situation. Accidents caused by negligence may sometimes also mean that another company may be liable for additional damages as a third-party defendant. Common types of serious workplace injuries include:

  • Spinal Injuries – These typically occur due to a fall or crushing injuries from large machinery at a construction site.
  • Brain Injury – Whether due to an accident or exposure to toxic materials, brain damage can result in serious disability and long-term recovery. This is considered a type of head injury.
  • Loss of Limb – At a construction site, large machinery and tools can potentially remove a person’s arm or leg, while other injuries can cause so much damage to a limb that amputation is required.
  • Broken Bones – While some broken bone injuries can heal with only minor consequences, others can be severe enough to result in life-long difficulties and complications. Hips and knees, for example, may suffer damage that leads to disability or loss of future income.

Lawsuits and Claims in a Catastrophic Injury Case

When considering a lawsuit or claim for damages, the type and severity of an injury is vitally important. Not only do you need to prove negligence for the civil suit to be successful, but you also need to establish the degree of injury and damages. This is one more reason having dedicated Chicago catastrophic injury lawyers on your side improves your prospects for such a potential case.

Civil suits in Illinois can include claims not only for medical bills and property damage, but also for disability, future medical expenses, wage losses, and disfigurement.

Catastrophic injuries are more likely to include disabilities and disfigurements, as well as result in severe emotional distress. All of these factors are relevant when determining what an injury is “worth.” A slip and fall claim due to provable negligence may be worth a moderate sum, while a fall that results in a broken hip and long-term disability is far costlier in medical terms for the victim. Such a circumstance therefore justifies a larger verdict or settlement.

We Seek Justice for You

Get the legal help you need if you or a loved one has suffered a life-changing injury due to someone else’s negligence. Call the knowledgeable catastrophic injury attorneys in Chicago at Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC as soon as possible at .

You can depend on our firm to provide compassionate, high-quality representation. As experienced personal injury lawyers with a history of trial success, we are assertive, tenacious and talented in court. We will aggressively pursue the maximum compensation you are entitled to under the law.