During a performance at the annual skydiving festival in Puerto Rico, a 58 year old Chicago man died when difficulties operating his chute occurred. According to festival organizers, this was the first death that had happened in the last 15 years. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which investigates airplane and helicopter accidents, is investigating the circumstances of the accident. The man was considered an experienced skydiver, but festival organizers believe that the accident was the result of pilot error and not the result of any mechanical or technical error. They believe that after the parachute took an aggressive turn, the man did not have sufficient time to adjust himself for a proper landing.
Although Puerto Rico is part of the United States, and is governed by American laws, this accident highlights a problem that often occurs when American citizens travel abroad. Not long ago, a vacationer in Mexico was parasailing behind a boat. The boat operator failed to bring the customer back into the boat when high winds approached and he was sent sailing into a nearby building. As a result of the boat operator’s negligence, the vacationing man was severely injured. Others have plunged to their deaths in similar accidents where the operators were negligent. Others have been lost at sea when they were tossed overboard while traveling on cruise ships in international waters.
When others are negligent and resulting wrongful deaths or injuries occur while in the United States, the laws that govern such lawsuits can be counted on to help secure a proper monetary settlement. But when such accidents occur outside of the U.S., the laws that govern such lawsuits can be uncertain and unclear. The attorneys affiliated with Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC have helped clients navigate the maze of laws that exist in such circumstances. Millions have been recovered for our deserving clients.
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