Driving from store to store in Chicago can be a bit treacherous during the holiday season, so slow down, take a few extra minutes to drive safely, and watch out for other drivers who fail to do so. Defensive driving becomes very important during the winter months when snow, slush, and ice can make roads very dangerous. Make sure you drive at a speed that lets you control your vehicle, be aware of road conditions, and watch out for other drivers who might be stressed out, tired, or intoxicated.
Chicago winters are cold, icy, and beautiful, but driving can become intimidating and overwhelming. One of the best things you can do as a driver in winter is give yourself extra time to get where you are going. If you would drive to work in 20 minutes in summer, give yourself 30 or 40 minutes to get there in winter. You might be early, but it will let you drive slowly and carefully as necessary without feeling like you need to be in a rush. Driving at a speed that lets you maintain control of your vehicle is crucial when dealing with snow and ice on the roads.
You should always be aware of weather conditions before you hit the road. Not only those currently happening, but what happened earlier and what is expected later. If it snowed yesterday, and the temperature dropped below freezing, then you should expect ice on the roads. The streets might be clear of snow and ice now, but if there is going to be an ice storm while you are shopping or eating dinner, then you might emerge to some very dangerous conditions. Knowing what to expect not only prepares you for what you will encounter, but lets you warn friends or loved ones who might not be quite so informed.
While dangerous road conditions are certainly a hazard, other drivers can be far more problematic. Winter brings holidays and that can cause a lot of stress and distractions for drivers. Be ready for other people who might be exhausted or preoccupied with other concerns while driving. Make sure you give other drivers plenty of space and watch for erratic behavior that might be a warning of a driver who is falling asleep or not paying attention. The nights and early mornings around holidays are also times with more intoxicated drivers on the road, so be sure to watch all traffic around you and move away from anyone who seems to be driving while impaired.
If another driver fails to act responsibly and damages your vehicle or injures you, then call the Chicago car accident lawyers at Sexner Injury Lawyers LLC today at to discuss your situation and talk about your options.